How my journey began


Hi! I’m Sydni—stage name, Sydviciouz. My movement journey began with gymnastics as a kid into my teenage years and morphed into an exploration of jazz, hip hop, vogue and pole dancing as an adult. While all of that sounds nice, the real journey began in my adult years. The liberation of escaping my conscious mind and plunging into deeper layers of myself through movement had me hooked.

For so long, and still today at times, I find myself trying to fit into a mold that was never meant for me. Whether it be within a corporate day job, social settings, or personal relationships, there’s a shield of “protection” I think I have that armors me to be liked, accepted, or validated. Pole allows me to release and escape while finding my true self.

Although I use the term “escape”, the best part about movement is that the nostalgic feeling is actually already within you. We crave what we already have. We just need to be willing to go there.

My mission is simple. I want to help others explore this piece of freedom that already exists through movement-whether that be on the pole, floor, ice, whatever... It’s the beginners that I love to connect with. Sifting your way through the discomfort of things that don’t feel good at first or are too scary—only to find that these are the moments that shape who you are today.